Computer Courses - Archives
SPSASS sponsors and facilitates a Computer Club for seniors to learn about aspects of home computing, social networking, electronic devices.
Our partner is this endeavour is Literacy Now, (Outreach Coordinator Michele Mobley) which supports the technology instruction and support provided by Jeff Coleman of 16 Bit Computer Services.
The Coop supports the program by allowing us to use the cafe facility and internet access.
Participants have ranged in age from early sixties to late eighties.
The content of the sessions is driven by participant needs.
In the sessions people have learned to
- use and manage e-mail
- navigate the Internet
- access Facebook, Skype and other social networks to communicate with family and friends
- create and manage photo libraries
- synchronize data between devices
- turn on the computer and get started for some
- overcome feelings of inadequacy about ability to use technology for personal growth
- borrow a laptop to determine whether a person wants to invest in computer hardware
- publish ads on on-line advertising websites
- create newsletters
- create and organise folders to manage data in the computer
- submit income tax forms on-line
Some of our members with Michele Mobley, Coordinator of Literacy Now - our sponsor (above) and Jeff Coleman of 16 Bit Computer Services - our instructor (below)